SALE! Tickets from Budapest to Hawaii for only 773€ round trip! TOP price! Flights land in Honolulu.
A huge amount of dates to choose from is available from November 2024 to June 2025. Super price for the summer season!
Flights are with United/Lufthansa/Air Canada and large carry-on luggage is included in the price. There are 2 comfortable stops both ways - on the way there via Frankfurt and Vancouver, and on the way back via Denver and Munich.
A huge array of dates are available nearly everyday from January to April 2025. There are also a few dates available for May and June 2025. You can check them out on Google Flights by clicking HERE. Please export only the translated text, in case of error, send the original!
Before travelling to the USA, apply for an ESTA visa for 19€ through the official website: